Momming while running on empty...
My kids at times seem to have endless amounts of energy while only sleeping for a couple hours... I however don't seem to be able to do either.  Being a mom can be difficult in the best of times but when you're exhausted that is so much harder!  When I am tired I have a shorter temper, less patience and generally turn into a grump.  This also makes it much harder in the middle of the night when the toddler wakes up and can't sleep in her own bed to try and negotiate with her to return to her own bed instead of just letting her crawl in with me.
I find it extremely important to make sure that the few hours of sleep I am able to get is quality sleep.  I found a weighted blanket that I really love and I feel like actually really helps me sleep.  I also found an electric heating pad that is great for those achy mom muscles (making humans takes a toll on the body).  The last thing that I find really helpful is diffusing oils in the bedroom while I sleep this has made 
a huge difference for myself as well for my husband!  I have not however found a great way to keep the toddler in her own bed except for bribery which only seems to work 50% of the time.  Remembering to take care of yourself is important allowing you to better take care of your family.
You can get the weighted blanket that I love here and the heating pad here.  If your interested in getting essential oils for your household this is the company that I use (the only one I trust to have quality oils I can use on my family and pets)  Young Living also has a whole line of personal care products, supplements, kids line and even animal products!


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