I See You Little One
I see you watching me little one
You notice every thing I do 
Every thing I say you hear
I see you little one.

You are striving to be like me
I hope you are watching me
Learning your strength is more than you know
Seeing you should never let anyone stop you.

I see your light 
You shine brighter than you know
Your beacon will draw others to you
Never let them dull your shine.

I see your drive and ambition
The world will be changed by you
The world will see you 
You will be remembered for you light.
-Kimberly Cacia

I often find myself smiling at my older daughter (she is almost 4 now) mimicking me or someone she has seen.  This girl literally misses nothing ... ever.  I try to remember that she will see every time I give up on something or let someone stop me and I never want that for her.  I never want her to learn that there are limits on life or that other people can make her feel like she is less than worthy of anything at all.  This at times can be hard for me as I struggle with anxiety and depression and at times.  I at times do need to step away from a project or something to do self care that may be resting, yoga or mindfulness.  It is hard for me to explain to her that sometimes mommy needs to take a break that she is just taking a break not quitting.  I want my daughter to be able to do anything, to think she can move the sun and moon and that her dad and I will be behind her supporting her every single step of the way!  I do my best to model this behavior for her as well as to teach her that self care is really important.


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